Taking Action
Top 10 reasons to fight kangaroo slaughter
Call Out Offenders
Use your voice to help us call out the corporations that are still for part of the slaughter of kangaroos to source their soccer cleats.
Sign our petition
Send protest emails
Nike and Puma Policies Halting the Use of Kangaroo Skins in Shoe Models Take Full Worldwide Effect at the Start of 2024
New Balance Says No More to Kangaroo Skins
Buy Better
Help stop the world’s sportswear companies from driving the biggest slaughter of land-based wildlife on the planet by buying responsibly.
Kangaroo Products and Companies
Pantofola d’Oro
- Zignature
- Pedigree
- Addiction
- Walk About
- Outback Kangaroo Feast
- Billy and Margot
- Nurti Source
- Rayne Nutrition
- Koha
- Instinctive Bite
- Meals for Mutts
- Black Hawk
- Hypro Premium
- Prime 100
- Natures Gift
- Natures Goodness
- Ivory Coat
- Heatly Everyday Pets
- Zealandia
- Balanced Life
- Vetaligica
- My Dog
Grant Stone
Support Kangaroo Free Companies
Carrefour Supermarkets (France and Belgium)
Marko, Cora, Match and Spar Markets (Belgium)
Viking (ice skates and Bol.com (Netherlands),
Chanel, H&M, Stella McCartney, and Paul Smith (UK)
Nike and New Balance (to end the worldwide use of kangaroo leather by 2024)

Use our Cleat Cheat Sheet when shopping – the first ever no-buy-list of kangaroo skin soccer shoes.
*Current as of 2021 – not an exhaustive list and some models no longer available

Read about our investigation into the illegal trade of kangaroo parts in California
A closer look at the moral fabric of athletic footwear
Bearded expert agrees ...
The Boot Wizard is breaking his silence on why he never reviews soccer shoes made from kangaroo skin on his popular YouTube channel: the cost is too high in animal life.
In this exclusive video from his native habitat of Denmark, The Boot Wizard explains when and why manufacturers started using kangaroo skin. And how kangaroo leather compares to today’s materials and technologies.
See other Boot Wizard YouTube reviews here
Undercover Investigations
Our investigations are on-going and we are determined to out the offenders violating Caifornia law banning the sale of kangaroo leather shoes.
Witnessing the crime
See something, send something.
You can take action by sending your undercover videos to:
[email protected]

A woman’s nightmare after moving to the bush
Kangaroos are typically shot without witnesses, in the dark of night. Help us bring these activities to light. We call on Australians to do what Lynn Hosking-Moore has done. Share with us your video, photographs and information as we chronicle these normally unseen practices.
Lynn’s short cellphone video illustrates the reality of kangaroo shooting, showing a dead kangaroo as her joey scampers about frantically, even trying to crawl back into the mother’s pouch. A 68-year-old resident of the Victoria countryside, Lynn describes her home becoming “a war zone with gunfire every night, especially during the winter.” She purchased her cellphone to document her neighbors’ killing of kangaroos.
Read the article and see the video here
Below are some letters from our governmental outreach campaign lobbying for the compliance of California law that makes it illegal to “import into this state for commercial purposes, to possess with intent to sell, or to sell within the state, the dead body, or a part or product thereof, of kangaroo.”